Director of Pharmacy, Precision Genomics Oncology at Indiana University Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center
Podcast Subject: Hospital Pharmacy
In this episode of Occupation Station, host Diane Donato speaks with Christopher Fausel ’93,'96, Director of Pharmacy, Precision Genomics Oncology at Indiana University Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center. The ACPHS graduate delves into the fascinating world of precision medicine, where tumor DNA is analyzed to create personalized treatment plans. While the field presents challenges due to its rapid evolution, Fausel finds his work helping cancer patients extremely gratifying and sees a future of unlimited possibilities. He talks about his decision to become a pharmacist, his studies at ACPHS, and how his work at Stratton V.A. in Albany were all precursors to his current position. Fausel encourages pharmacy students to explore diverse opportunities during their residencies and embrace emerging technologies. Fausel's story is an inspiring reminder that pharmacy careers offer endless possibilities for making a meaningful impact on patients' lives.